
Our Mission

In a word, PRODUCTIVITY.  To help you make the best use of the tools, people and data you already have, so that you can focus on your core business.


  • Save Time
  • Save Money
  • Expand your capabilities

solutions / Products

  • Custom Application/Program Development
  • Capture Business Rules, Procedure, Processes, Work Flow, Logic
  • Dashboards
  • Database Development
  • Modeling & Simulation
  • Algorithms

making A case for Automation

How long will that really take?

Let's say that a given cell (in Excel) can be edited in 15 seconds.  That's 4 cells a minute and 240 cells an hour.  In about 4 hours, you can tackle just under 1,000 cells.  Never mind the distractions of phone, e-mail and wavering focus.  Clearly there's a better way.

Sound familiar?

These items seem trivial when they occur in one's or two's, but become showstoppers when you have to deal with hundreds, or even thousands of entries:

  • You changed the format of a number of cells, but it seems to only take affect after you "enter" and then "exit" that cell
  • "Excel rounding error" - Your list adds up to 101% or is off by $.01.  Thankfully, there's always someone eager to point that out during the presentation
  • An Excel spreadsheet exported from another program that is entirely "text" fields
  • You want to add a new line (carriage return) within a cell
  • The information you want is embedded within a larger string of text
  • There is an "export to Excel" feature in the program you are using.  Unfortunately, it gave you an XML file.  Now what?