Our humble beginnings...

I like to build things.  I also like when things are logical.  Finally, I like technology.  So, it makes sense that I enjoy programming.  Similar to an artist with a blank canvas, or a writer with a new, crisp, white page, I see unlimited possibilities in a blank text editor.  If you can think it up, it can be created.

This is not where it all started.

This is not where it all started.

Continuing on the "I like" theme... I like to know things.  After all, "knowledge is power," or so the saying goes.  If I know something, then perhaps I can add value.  Decisions can be made, or not made, depending on that knowledge.  That knowledge becomes Actionable Intelligence.

So where is this going?  Over the years, I've sought to gain knowledge from data.  To that end, I've spent a lot of time using the tools of the trade (Microsoft Office products) and writing software.  A number of jobs and industries later, I've managed to gain an understanding of not only the tools, but of methods and processes to make the best use of them.  I became the "go-to-guy."

The realization that this can help other people, combined with an entrepreneurial streak, led the the creation of REVEAL Office Solutions.

Dave Johnson, Founder

What makes us different?

  • The belief that everything is connected

  • The curiosity and drive to figure out how

  • The knowledge and experience to understand your industry/business

  • The skills to deliver results

Call or E-mail

phone: (540) 277-7750

email: djohnson@revealofficesolutions.com